Below an announcement for the 1st international conference on « The role of pastoral schools in the management of natural habitats »
Where: Florac (France).
When: 10 – 11 May 2023.
There are no registration fees.
ShepForBio is organising its first international conference on « The role of pastoral schools in the management of natural habitats », on 10 and 11 May 2023 in Florac (France).
Day 1 – 10th of May
09.00-09.10: Welcome and introduction – why are we here?
09.10-09.30: Ecosystem services and EU policy
09.30-10.00: State of play of research and teaching on pastoralism
10.00-10.30: Break
10.30-11.00: ShepForBio: objectives and actions
11.00- 11.30: Pastoral practices and preservation of biodiversity
11.30-11.50: The role of the National Park as a support service for pastoral activities, regulatory aspects, how can pastoral practices be an asset or not for the environment and biodiversity?
11.50-12.30: Introduction of the afternoon workshops: What role for pastoral schools and education? Results of the Erasmus + Past’Orale + PastorEA program on the transmission of pastoral knowledge.
12.30-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.30: Interactive Workshop 1 – What educational tools and resources need to be created or developed
15.30-15.50: Break
15.30-16.55: Interactive Workshop 2 – Needs/ideas/wishes for the creation of an European network on pastoralism training: What format? What objectives? Who is involved?
16.55-17.00: Conclusions
Day 2- Field visit – 11th of May
08.30- 15.00 Field visit